
City Manager/Planner

Email Chandler Goodwin
ext. 101

Executive Assistant/HR

Email Gretchen Gordon
ext. 102

Recorder/Passport Supervisor

Email Colleen Mulvey
ext. 503

Communications Specialist

Email Rachel Holmes
ext. 100

Administrative Analyst

Email Kim Cannon
ext. 104

The city manager is the overall administrative head of the city, and, as such, is responsible for overseeing all government functions and activities. The city manager serves and advises the mayor and city council; appoints all department directors; prepares assorted reports for council consideration, including an annual proposed budget; enforces municipal laws and ordinances; and coordinates city operations and programs.

Human resources also falls under the jurisdiction of the Office of Administration. The city manager and executive assistant are responsible for recruiting and maintaining qualified, well-trained employees to deliver high-level services to Cedar Hills residents. Additional activities and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, risk management, public relations, and training and accountability of all city staff.