
The zoning ordinances of the City of Cedar Hills were established to promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity, and general welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the city and to this end to:

  1. Encourage and facilitate orderly growth and development in the city.

  2. Secure economy in municipal expenditures and to facilitate adequate provision for transportation, water, sewerage, parks, schools and other public requirements.

  3. Lessen congestion in the streets, prevent the overcrowding of land, and provide adequate light and air.

  4. Secure safety from fires, floods, traffic hazards and other dangers.

  5. Stabilize and improve property values.

  6. Protect the tax base.

  7. Promote the development of a more attractive and wholesome and serviceable city.

  8. Create conditions favorable to prosperity, civic activities and recreational, educational and cultural opportunities (Ord. 6-20-78A, 6-20-1978).

In establishing the zones, the boundaries thereof, and other regulations and restrictions applying within each of the zones, due and careful consideration was given, among other things, to the suitability of the land for particular uses and to the character of the zone, with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the city (Ord. 6-20-78A, 6-20-1978).

The City of Cedar Hills is divided into zones as follows:

  • RR-1-20,000 Rural residential zone

  • R-1-15,000 Residential zone

  • R-1-11,000 Residential zone

  • PR 2.2 Planned residential zone

  • PR 3.4 Planned residential zone

  • H-1 Hillside development zone

  • SC-1 Commercial

  • PF Public facilities zone

  • TR-1 Townsite residential zone

(Ord. 3-2-99D, 3-2-1999; amd. Ord. 8-17-2000A, 8-17-2000; Ord. 6-1-2004A, 6-1-2004)

What is a Public Utility Easement (PUE)?

Many properties have PUE’s. P.U.E. stands for Public Utility Easement. Like other easements, a P.U.E. grants certain rights to the owner of the easement. If you own your home, a P.U.E. may explain why you woke up to find an electrician on the utility pole in your backyard without bothering to ask your permission first. The power company will generally reach out to you before just sending someone to invade your backyard – but legally do not have to.

Now, as a homeowner, the existence of a P.U.E. on your property may restrict your ability to use the portion of the property the easement covers. For example, say there is a 10’ foot P.U.E. on your property and you desire to construct an accessory building on the P.U.E., you may be denied a permit to do so. If you have trees near the P.U.E or branches that go into the area the P.U.E covers, you may come home to find the utility company pruning your trees without your permission – they are generally legally allowed to maintain vegetation in easements.

Prior to buying a property, you want to make sure you know what you are buying and that includes finding out about any existing P.U.E.’s and other easements on the land.

City Code

The City Code of the City of Cedar Hills contains ordinances up to and including ordinance 6-1-2004A, passed June 1, 2004. Ordinances of the city adopted after said ordinance supersede the provisions of this City Code to the extent that they are in conflict or inconsistent therewith. Consult the city office in order to ascertain whether any particular provision of the code has been amended, superseded or repealed. (Using the search field on the City Code page is helpful in finding any topic of concern.)

  • City Zoning Ordinance
    An ordinance establishing zones within the city; regulating and restricting within said zones the use, location, height and size of buildings and structures, the use of land, the size of lots, yards and other open spaces; providing methods of administration and enforcement; providing penalties for the violation thereof; repealing the temporary zoning ordinance and declaring an emergency. (Within the City Code see Title 10: Zoning Regulations.)

Official Zone Map

Download the Official Zone Map.

The location and boundaries of each of the zones are shown on the official zone map of the city, which is an official record and a part of the zone ordinance. The official zone map is adopted by ordinance with the signature of the mayor, attested to by the city recorder, and recorded in the office of the city recorder. Whenever amendments or changes are made in zone boundaries, they will be made promptly by the city recorder on the official zone map. No amendment or change will become effective until after it has been properly noted and attested to on the official zone map.

Regardless of the existence of purported copies of the official zone map, which may from time to time be made or published, the official zone map will be located in the office of the city recorder and is the final authority in determining current status (Ord. 6-20-78A, 6-20-1978; amd. 2004 Code).


The City of Cedar Hills appreciates conscientious citizens who report violations of city codes and ordinances. The city aggressively investigates and prosecutes such violations. Violators are given a reasonable opportunity to correct the violation. However, if the violation is not corrected in the alloted time, the city will issue citations and fines.

When filing a complaint, please provide the following information:

  1. Name of violator (if available)

  2. Address of violation

  3. Detailed description of violation. Please be as specific as possible; i.e., “My neighbors weeds are two feet tall. They are located at the southwest corner of his lot behind the fence.”

  4. Photographs, diagrams, etc. (desired, but not required)

  5. Your name and phone number (desired, but not required)

Upon receipt of the complaint, a case number and a primary enforcement officer will be assigned to the case. Generally, the complaint is investigated within 48 hours. If the nature of the violation creates an immediate danger to life or property, it will be investigated immediately so that appropriate actions can be taken and other agencies can be notified, if necessary.

Submit complaints via the contact form.